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Post Game Interviews

#4 Nick Kille

How does this win feel?

"The win feels great. I feel like we played as a team the whole game and coach had is ready. We really needed this win to wake up everyone."

You lead rebounds with 11 how do that feel getting boards?

"Excited to see i got that many tonight... but it was a great team win."

Who are you most proud of tonight with a huge win?

"I'm very proud of everyone. We all played our role and never gave up didn't matter what happened. I wanna Thank the people that came out and showed there real golden sprit. I love this team and community! Go bears!"

Mateo Flores #2

How does this win feel this team overall win?

"It's feels great. We've wanted this one, we worked hard for it. We knew we could get it done, but we also knew it was going to be a challenge. I'm proud of myself and my team."

You lead the Bears in points tonight what does that mean to you?

"It's a nice feeling leading the team in points but also I know I can't get it done without my teammates. All that matters is the scoreboard at the end of the game." 

Tonight who are you most proud of on the team?

"I'm proud of the whole team. All the way down the bench and every coach. We're a family we got the win together as a team. So I'm proud of the Gibsonburg basketball team"




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